Use "legitimise|legitimised|legitimises|legitimising" in a sentence

1. Such Categorisations therefore serve to legitimise rather than transform class inequality

2. She received regular criticism from social conservatives, who claimed that her work legitimised immoral behaviour.

3. 23 The question is whether, having raised the issue, green consumerism then legitimises a half-baked response.

4. A formally democratic government that legitimises the activities of the state and dissipates opposition to the system.

5. The invasion was legitimised by the provisions of the Papal Bull Laudabiliter, issued by Adrian IV in 1155.

6. 25 They dismissed it as vague and said it would legitimise Labour's devolved Assembly and dilute plans for full independence.

7. Ser Addam Velaryon, born Addam of Hull, was a legitimised bastard from Driftmark of dragonseed descent, like his brother Alyn

8. John tried without success until the end of his life to legitimise Jorge, Duke of Coimbra, his illegitimate son.

9. Amasis then married Chedebnitjerbone II, one of the daughters of his predecessor Apries, in order to legitimise his kingship.

10. Unconscious un-Constitutionalism: An examination of Pakistan’s judicial history shows a remarkable celebration and acceptance of such former judges and leading lawyers who legitimised and

11. I also hope that the Commission will be able to free itself of the inefficient and anachronistic pillar structure and clearly refute the extremely odd idea which the Wise Men put forward, that Parliament' s power of codecision is legitimised only under the first pillar.

12. ‘But the current attempt to de-legitimise this debate, and replace it with Avowals of personal belief are destined to fail.’ ‘Despite repeated Avowals that he would remain above the push and pull of politics, and that he would keep Islam separate from the state, he has repeatedly shown his willingness to involve himself in political debates.’

13. How can intensification of the internal market as it affects ordinary people – and in the interests of ordinary people – be legitimised if the question of services of basic importance to life and livelihood is airbrushed out of the picture because it is too awkward and illustrates too starkly that uniform application of internal market rules can only go so far?